ACADEMICS   /   Graduate Studies   /   Research Areas
Graduate Studies
Research Areas

In parallel to the main taught modules, our faculty and researchers, following interdisciplinary approaches, are working on a range of student supported research projects that fall under the below research areas:

  • Crop genomic variation: Genetic identification and authentication of plant cultivars, estimation of the genetic variation of local varieties, landraces and wild species using molecular markers and next-generation sequencing technologies.
  • -omics of agronomic traits: In-depth understanding of the mechanisms that control desirable agronomic traits and the nutritional value of crops and their food products with next-generation sequencing and metabolomics approaches.
  • Epigenetics, Epigenomics crop improvement, and Epinutrition: Epigenetic changes and their effects on the yield and quality of plants, especially grafted vegetables, as well as epinutritional evaluation of different foods.
  • Testing, verification and exploitation of rich local biodiversity: Underexploited species, old varieties, local animal races, etc. and their exploitation in new food or product development, production schemes, traditional diets, etc.

New Food Product and Business Development

  • Biopolymer based antimicrobial packaging: Development of biopolymer based packaging materials and evaluation of the effect of the incorporation of various antimicrobials agents on the mechanical and physical properties of the films as well as their activity against the spoilage bacteria of selected food commodities.
  • Delivery systems (emulsions, coacervates, encapsulation): Development and characterization of various delivery systems such as coacervates and emulsions as means to increase the stability of the carried bioactives and probiotics  during product development, storage and consumption.
  • Alternative technologies for the extension of the shelf life (modified atmosphere, marination, ultrasounds, use on natural antimicrobials): Evaluation of the microbial, physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of food products upon application of various alternative technologies and their combination as a means to prolong the shelf life of food commodities.
  • Effect of processing on the characteristics of olive oil and table olives: Investigation of the interactive effects of the most significant factors in olive oil and table olives production to the quality, the nutritional value and the sensorial properties of the final product.

Marketing for the Agro-Food Sector

  • Agricultural/Food Supply Chains and Entrepreneurship: Researching the challenges of small individual and collective forms of entrepreneurship in the Greek agrifood sector. Methodological concepts of interest include reflexivity, networks of practice and the impact of the adoption of a cooperative approach on retail food supply chains.
  • Marketing, Export Marketing, Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior in the agrifood sector: Exploring the distribution channels of the Greek and European food sector and the corresponding marketing practices. Exploring and understanding the trends of European and Greek consumer choices regarding food and drink offerings in specific sub-sectors, including dairy and meat. Concepts of interest include authenticity and country of origin.
  • New Product Development in the agrifood sector: Exploring the synergies of Food Science and Marketing in developing new high added value products. Areas of interest include food from waste, standardization and promotion of traditional recipes.
  • Innovation Networks and innovation acceptance in the agrifood sector: Europe's considerable cultural variation causes different innovations in different regions and evident disparities in food cultures and gastronomic approaches. We explore how agents, media, innovation networks and socio-demographic characteristics affect food innovation acceptance.
  • Sustainable patterns of main agricultural products: A combined analysis of different footprint approaches to allow comparison of different agricultural and livestock products regarding the efficiency of resource exploitation.


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